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America’s #1 Voice Coach Answers Your Virtual Presenting Questions Live


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In our new reality, you’re not a Professional if you can’t ace Virtual Communications--such as virtual meetings, coaching, speaking, presenting, leading and more. 

Now and going forward, your success rides on the ability to connect, engage, inform, and inspire through virtual platforms like video, Zoom, webinars, Skype, GoTo Meeting, Facetime, Hangouts, and beyond.

Plus, there’s lucrative opportunities waiting for you as a masterful virtual presenter, like…

  • Collecting passive revenue from an online course.
  • Soaking up the credibility and platform of a YouTube channel.
  • Savoring the flexibility of virtual coaching and consulting gigs.
  • Scooping up speaking fees from virtual keynote gigs without getting on a germy plane.
  • Tasting the freedom to choose Live or Pre-Recorded gigs (because you’ll rock at BOTH!)
  • And much more!

…and yet so many experts and professionals like yourself are not taking full advantage of virtual presenting opportunities.


Because barriers and questions are standing in your way.

So, to help you knock down the barriers and tear off the shackles that are preventing you from becoming a talked-about-in-the-best-way virtual presenter…

I went Live on Facebook to answer your most pressing questions and concerns about virtual presenting.

It was a value-packed session, and I don’t want you to miss out on the benefits. 

Watch the replay, now to learn more!

Watch the Replay Now!

Meet Your New Voice Coach


About Your Coach

Roger Love is recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on voice. No other vocal coach in history has been more commercially successful in both the speaking and singing fields. Roger has vocally produced more than 100 million unit sales worldwide and written three top-selling books. Roger coaches singers such as Gwen Stefani, John Mayer, and Selena Gomez, as well as speakers like Anthony Robbins, Suze Orman, Brendon Burchard and Simon Sinek, and screen personalities including Reese Witherspoon, Jeff Bridges, Zoe Saldana, Keira Knightly, Angelina Jolie, Bradley Cooper, and Joaquin Phoenix.

Want more virtual presentation training from Roger Love?

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