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Your Last Chance to Get Personal, Private, 1-on-1 Coaching with Roger Love, the World's Leading Authority on using your Voice to get what You want out of Your Life, Your Career, and Your Legacy expires in...









Here's How to Change Your Career, Your Life and Your Legacy...


Unlimited access to The Roger Love Speaking Academy, including…

  • A Private, Personal, 1 on-1 Vocal Analysis and Strategy Session with Roger where he will immediately help you fine-tune and find your voice (VALUE = $5,000+)
  • The Roger Love On-Line Course: (VALUE = $1,997.00 value)
    1. Quick Start Guide to Roger’s Foundational Technique
    2. Daily Vocal Warmups that you can download and take with you to practice anytime or anywhere you want
    3. Weekly Wins: weekly video lesson from Roger that shows you exactly what you need to learn and how to practice each week to achieve amazing results FAST
  • Private Facebook Group: The Speakers Guild is a community of like-minded individuals who want to help and support each other succeed by offering advice and encouragement. Private Access for Members – you can only be part of this private community by joining the Speaking Academy.
  • Invitations to two (2) exclusive Small-Group, Live Virtual Workshops with Roger ($1,000.00 value)
  • One (1) Ticket to Voice of Success LIVE where Roger presents live for three days on March 29, 30 & 31 in Los Angeles ($997 value). Can't make those dates? Gift it to a friend or come the following year.

Plus, for a very limited time, and for a very limited number of people, when you join right now, you will also receive...

  • Audio Training Vault of 30+ hours of recorded group coaching calls with Roger where almost any question or problem that you've ever had about your voice, Roger has answered it. These are yours to keep forever.
    VALUE = $9,000
  • Express Pass: unlock all 6 Weekly Win foundational trainings instantly so you can move as fast as you want
    VALUE = $497
  • Roger Love Online Singing Academy, Level 1
    VALUE = $197
  • Guest ticket to Voice of Success LIVE so you can also bring a friend with you to this live event and learn together
    VALUE = $997

Total Package Value = $19,685.00

Surprise Bonus!

You also get The Perfect Voice Complete Collection ($147 value)

The Perfect Voice, an exclusive vocal training system by Roger Love, teaches you the same tips, secrets and techniques Roger has taught to some of the most successful speakers, performers and presenters of our time such as: Simon Sineck, Brendon Burchard, Jay Abraham, Suze Orman, Dr. Daniel Amen, John Grey, Harvey McKay and Gwen Stefani

Surprise Bonus #2:

Live Welcome Party + Orientation Webinar with Roger!

Answers to Your Most Popular Questions

If you use your voice to do your job as a doctor, lawyer, business person, author, coach, or educator The Speaking Academy was created for you. Since your training is personalized through your one-on-one session with Roger, you can enroll with whatever skill level you currently have beginner or seasoned pro and Roger will take you to the next level. The Academy is engineered to fit your busy schedule and work on your timeline. Most Speaking Academy alumni have professional degrees, and are also authors, experts, and leaders in their companies and/or industries.

THE ROGER LOVE SPEAKING ACADEMY IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE: You can be 100% confident in your enrollment because when you complete Step 1, if your friends and loved ones don’t notice an improvement in your voice, send my team an email before Day 30 and before your 1-on-1 session with Roger, and you’ll receive a full refund.

Absolutely! Skype is incredibly effective. In fact, most of Roger’s students use Skype for their lessons, because they’re busy running the world and achieving great things in locations outside of L.A.

Absolutely not. The vocal exercises you’ll receive in the Speaking Academy are NOT singing exercises, they’re vocal exercises, and intended for speakers.

Be encouraged! Only a very small fraction of the population is actually tone deaf. Many Speaking Academy enrollees claimed to be some level of “tone deaf” when they enrolled, only to realize they can hear very well, they’ve simply never learned how to train their voice as an instrument. Roger’s technique is simple and created for speakers with no singing experience whatsoever.

In summary you’ll lose time and money, and rapidly increase your odds of becoming frustrated and picking up bad habits. If you want more time to see how much you can learn on your own, the smartest thing you can do is to enroll in The Academy today, and take 29 days to go through the online materials. If you feel you’ve improved enough, just send our team an email on Day 29 and we’ll refund your investment. I’m really busy these days.

This is your only chance in 2018 to enroll in The Speaking Academy. If the Academy fills up before you enroll today, it’s possible that you cannot ever get a 1-on-1 session with Roger. That’s because the Speaking Academy only opens on rare occasion, as Roger’s schedule allows. For example, in all of 2016, 2017, and 2018, the Academy has only opened once a year. As of November 2018, Roger has NO PLANS to re-open the Speaking Academy in 2019.

All you have to do is follow along. That's what the Speaking Academy was engineered to do. And it’s why 94% of Speaking Academy Members experience improvement in their personal lives and 97% saw improvement in their professional lives.

The Speaking Academy works on your time. If you wanted to rush ahead, Step 1 contains six videos lessons of about 12-minutes each and a summary of the lesson. You could race through them all in a day, if you wanted. Then, spend a few minutes a day for the daily warmup. Do that for less than 2 months, and you’ll build all the foundations you need to come see Roger in person.

Of course! There’s no timeline to follow. Go through the Foundational Training in Step 1 and re-watch the lessons as many times as you like. Book your lesson with Roger at a time that works for your life and schedule.

Each of the six Step 1 Weekly Win video lesson are about 12-minutes in length. You can sneak them in during breakfast or your warmup at the gym!

Roger has experience helping individuals who are suffering from stuttering and spasmodic dysphonia

All is well You can apply your ticket to a future year of Voice of Success Live. Just email our team when you’re ready.

Great! Enjoy your 1-on-1 session with Roger, which many Speaking Academy alumni say is worth more than your enrollment in The Academy. If you’d like to gift your "Singing Academy" or “The Perfect Voice Complete Collection,” enrollments, just email our team and we’ll transfer the access logins to your intended recipient.

It's Time to Change Your Life, Your Career, and Your Legacy.



50% Complete

Two Step

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