Your Invitation to Earn an Exceptional Living By Changing the Way the World Speaks
Roger Love Method® Coaching Certification for Speaking
For 2+ decades, I’ve been waiting to give you
this career-defining opportunity.
Now, watch the entire video to grasp the full gravity of my Invitation.
(You won’t believe how accessible it is!)
RLMC:© The Elite Certification that Changes Voices, Lives & Careers
“RLMC© has changed everything for me. I am improving across the board as a person. I coach better, sleep better, eat better, and speak better.”
– Karey K, Oregon
“I see a new path for my business moving forward and new techniques that my current students have quickly responded to with much success.”
– Dan F, North Carolina
“Thanks to my RLMC© training, I got promoted at work! Now, I feel more confident when presenting anywhere.”
– Alfredo U, Germany
"I've gained an enormous amount of confidence which enabled me to finally expand my online training presence.”
– Amy B, Maine
FAQ | Program Dates | Bonuses | Guarantee | Apply Now
Demand for The Roger Love Method®is MASSIVE
(But I Simply Can’t Help Everyone, On My Own)
The 40-year track record speaks for itself:
My Roger Love Method® is undeniably powerful. It has directly helped over 200,000 people, in more than 17 countries and over 96 industries.
The SUCCESS that people get from using it is massive.
And the demand for this coaching has spread across the world.
Now, I’m overwhelmed with the number of people reaching out, asking for 1-on-1 coaching. They all want someone to hear them. To coach them live. They want personal attention.
Every single day, Team Love is turning away kind, bright, high-paying, high-potential, hard working people who want 1-on-1 voice coaching.
These are the kinds of clients most coaches can only dream of having.
But I simply can’t be there for them all.
Literally, there's not enough hours in the day. Not enough days in the year.
And since I've never certified another person to use my Speaking Method, I've had nowhere to send them.
Which is where You, and RLM Certification enters the picture…
Who Depends on The Roger Love Method®?

It's Not Me
It's The Method
Here’s the secret you need to know—
For clients to get results, they don’t need ME personally.
What they NEED is my METHOD.
In fact, after dedicating almost 40 years to testing and perfecting it, my Method for speaking has an undeniable track record of success.
My Method WORKS. And not just for some people, like celebrities and industry leaders.
My Method has directly helped hundreds-of-thousands of not-yet-celebrities. Across gender, across age groups. In countries and industries all around the world.
So yes, even though I’m considered the world’s most commercially successful voice coach, and even though I PIONEERED the industry of voice coaching for SPEAKERS…
I didn’t make it this far because of my personality or my musical abilities. It’s because of my METHOD.
And after PERSONALLY delivering over 100,000 hours of voice coaching, I’ve got my process mapped out--I know what needs to happen first, and then second, and then every step after that. So, whether I’m coaching a famous actor or Keynote speaker or Author or CEO, I just use my Method and it works.
Literally, I’ve dialed this in so precisely, that I’m confident I can train ANYONE I CHOOSE to be successful at coaching my Method.
But frankly, this is my life’s work, so you can understand why I’m not going to put this power in the hands of just ANYONE.
So before we go any further into how lucrative and impactful you could be, as someone who’s certified to coach my Method…we need to get 1 thing out of the way:
Can YOU Do This?
If you can follow a lesson plan, you can coach My Method.
If you can tell when someone is shouting at you...or whispering to you...or talking too fast for you to understand their words...You can coach My Method.
In fact, YOU have the potential to become a wildly successful certified coach for my Method, EVEN IF…
- ✖️ You’ve never been a voice coach
- ✖️ You can't read music or play piano
- ✖️ You're not a singer at all
- ✖️ You don’t currently Love your OWN voice
- ✖️ You don’t live in L.A. or have an in-person studio
- ✖️ You don’t know how to develop a lesson plan
- ✖️ You’re not yet sure how to help someone improve their voice
In fact, you don’t even have to BECOME a full-time voice coach, if you don’t want to. You can use my Method as a complement to your current coaching topic. It’s a great way for you to add all new value and achieve even better results for your clients. Plus, when you have the RLMC© credentials behind your name, it’s going to set you apart and give you a new advantage your clients will THANK YOU for.
I can teach you to be amazing at this, EVEN IF you don’t currently love your OWN voice. Because by the time you finish my training, you WILL. And remember, after you’ve earned your certification, you’re going to get time with me every month to make sure you KEEP feeling confident and clear on everything. THAT’S the level of ongoing support, community, and monthly access you get to enjoy, when you’re Certified.
And by the way, you can do this, EVEN IF you don’t live in Los Angeles or own an in-person studio. Because you don’t need to.
My Method works equally well in person as it does virtually. In fact, I've been coaching clients virtually for almost a decade, so that I can be there for them, no matter where in the world they're speaking.
Once you earn my Certification, all you need is your laptop and a zoom account.
And YES, YOU can become incredibly successful at coaching my Method, EVEN IF…right now, you don’t know how to develop a lesson plan or help someone improve their voice. Because I’ll GIVE you the lesson plans.
And making sure YOU’RE ready and confident is My Number 1 job, when you go through my Certification Training program.
So, put aside the self-doubt for a minute, and just listen to me—
You Are Exclusively Invited

If you want to get paid to improve the way people speak and communicate, I can show you how.
If you want to use this Certification to charge more, or set yourself apart, or reach new markets or keep your clients for longer…I can show you how.

If you want to get paid to coach MY clients as a Master Coach…RLMC© is the pathway.
And if you want to be among the first coaches in the world to become Roger Love Certified, so that you can…
...monetize MY Method, instead of searching for your own
…immediately stand out from your competition
…lean on MY brand
…Complete your application, now (while you still can)!
Success Story!

“I now have a unique and valuable service to offer…The opportunities are huge!”
Being an RLMC© Coach has opened new doors for me.
I’m often in Zoom meetings with many different groups. When I talk about my RLM Voice Coaching skills, people Direct Message me asking for coaching for themselves or their clients.
- One person coached 250 TedX speakers and now wants voice coaching to help every client shine.
- Another is the Dean of a law school who feels her female students still sounded like stenographers and wants voice coaching for them.
- Another is involved with a speaker training program, and no one has addressed voice, much to her dismay. So she wants coaching, too.
With RLMC©, I have a unique and valuable service to offer. People are realizing that voice matters. The opportunities are huge!
-- Monica R, California
Certification Training Schedule
Here’s the Love You’ll Get Before Becoming Certified
4 Applied Practice Sessions (Virtual)
Join your fellow Coaches-in-Training and a representative of Team Love for engaging, interactive Method review, exercises, and practice so you feel even more comfortable and confident in your coaching skills.
Watch the Replays of the Live Applied Practice Sessions!
(Optional) Live Certification Training Weekend (Virtual)
December 9 - 11, 2022
Want to learn The Method from Roger LIVE? Join us for three days of interactive coaching, exercises, networking, and applied practice as he guides you through the complete RL Method training curriculum.
On-Demand Method Certification
Video Training by Roger Love
Want to earn your Certification, without attending Live Training Weekend? You can! Discover curated on-demand video instruction in preparation for your Certification. (Approximately 15 hours of video training. Don’t forget to add time for practicing and taking your official exam!)
Fast Pass Bonus--All on-demand training is UNLOCKED so you can make progress on YOUR timeline.
*All dates and times are subject to change. We’ll always give you advanced notice, if so.
On Day 1 Of Being An RLM Certified Coach
You'll Enjoy Industry-Leading Resources, Marketing & Support

RLMC© Sets You Up to Succeed:
Visualize The Advantage

So You Can Easily Attract Leads & Boost Revenue-Per-Client…
- Send your prospects to Roger’s video message where he speaks directly to your prospective clients about the power of hiring an RLMC© coach.
- Take advantage of Roger Love’s already optimized lead magnet funnels to add value and inspire prospects
- Relish your new Referral Partner Status & Top-Dollar Commissions Privileges
- Gift your 10 Tuition Waivers to your Friends to Voice of Success Live (Date TBD).
GREAT for prospects and client appreciation! These tickets are normally $997, but we’ll wave the tuition fee entirely. To register their seat, your guests will need to claim their ticket and pay a one-time $97 materials fee.
So You Have Ongoing Training, Support & Community…
- Interact on 10 Live Office Hours with Roger (1 per Month), to give you answers to your Method coaching questions, after you’ve been Certified
- Engage in your exclusive online community group of other Certified RLMC© Coaches
- Enjoy Priority Support from Team Love
- Attend Voice of Success Live with your Coach’s tuition waiver. Your tuition is 100% covered. Attend for Free! You’ll just pay the one-time $97 materials fee, when you register your seat. ($997.00 Value)
Claim your Coach’s Tuition Waiver to RLM Certification Weekend (Virtual, December 9 - 11, 2022), to learn The Method LIVE, directly from Roger. Your tuition is 100% covered. Attend for Free! You’ll just pay the one-time $97 materials fee, when you register your seat.
So You Can Stand Out In Any Marketplace &
LOOK like the pro you are…
- Frame your Official Certificate
- Check out your Official Listing in the Directory of RLM Certified Coaches
- Load up your Official Zoom background
- Relish being among the world’s first individuals to be Certified to Coach my Method for Speaking. (Designation depends on you passing your final Certification Exam. And that’s great news for you, because it means you, and the marketplace, will respect the high standards and caliber of RLMC© coaches)
- Enjoy the reputation and personal satisfaction of sharing the Most Trusted Method to help your clients achieve their most ambitious goals
- Take pride in knowing your RLMC© designation means you coach the same Method the icons of nearly every industry depend on
- Utilize your Bonus Training Module on the tech, tools and tips every Pro Coach needs for Virtual coaching sessions, from award-winning Film Director Travis Shields
So you can start earning on Day 1 of Being Certified…
- Break out the ready-to-use Lesson Plans Roger created for RLMC© coaches
- Utilize your Library of Assets and Resources to facilitate and add new value to your coaching sessions
- Dig in to your new Virtual Training Module on Marketing Your RLMC© Services
Plus! Enjoy BONUS Training Modules
Such as...
RLM Virtual Coach's Kickstart Guide to Pro-Looking Video, Sound, and Lighting
Hosted by Award-Winning Film Director Travis Shields, you’ll discover the easiest tricks that'll make you look like a pro with video (even if you're a total beginner and consider yourself "tech-challenged")

Here’s What's Waiting on The Other Side
of Your Accepted Application

- Roger Love Method® Cue Cards
- Quickly absorb and refresh your memory on every part of this powerful Method, in a pocket-sized format you can take anywhere.
- RLMC© Coaches-in-Training Private Online Community
- Certification Exam Fee Waiver
- Tuition Waiver to Live Certification Training Weekend (Virtual, December 9 - 11, 2022)
- The Perfect Voice Complete Collection, Online Course
- *Starter Kit
- *Love & Relationships
- *Money & The Workplace
- Guide to The Perfect Voice (PDF)
- RLM Vocal Warmups (MP3)
- An exclusive vocal warmup available only to RLM Coaches and their Clients, these exercises are a secret to success for every speaker.
- Roger Love's Speakers Guild; 1 Year Membership
- 12 full months of ongoing, skills-based training so you can continually master your craft and stay up to speed on the latest voice and communication trends.
And when you’re certified, the rewards are even sweeter!
Apply With Total Confidence,
Thanks to My Satisfaction Guarantee

If you’re not accepted into the RLMC© Training Program, you will be refunded in full, within 7 days.
If you are accepted and decide to quit, you can receive a 100% refund of your investment.
Here’s how it works: Email me, Roger, stating your decision to quit before 11:59 PM Pacific Time on Day 30 of your acceptance into the program. You'll receive a 100% refund of your investment.
The Method is Mine, The Rewards Are Yours:
Catch a Glimpse of the Results RLM Certified Coaches Are Creating
Hint: THIS is how you can FINALLY…
Raise Your Rates.
Set Yourself Apart.
Supercharge Your Impact.
Change Careers and Lives with Every Voice You Coach.
RLMC© significantly increased my ability to help people have a brighter future. The impact has been life-changing for many of my clients.
– Kristina S, California
“RLMC© enables me to help clients on a deeper level for even better results. An established expert witness asked for my coaching so he could connect more confidently with juries. After just a few sessions together, my client presented at trial. Directly after his expert testimony, the other party folded. The judge said that he presented so well and the information given was so outstanding, everyone understood and the case was effectively closed.
– Elaine B, California
“I help mid-life female entrepreneurs develop online content and become comfortable on camera. My clients get held back by feeling unconfident, fearing the camera, and disliking the sound of their voice. RLMC© allows me to help my clients overcome these obstacles and achieve greater outcomes in a more significant way."
– Lisa Marie T, California
“A monotone author came to me for help with public readings. Ever since a male authority figure told her to ‘calm down,’ she’s struggled to be expressive when speaking. Our RLMC© sessions helped her reclaim her voice and dramatically improved her delivery skills. She said the coaching 'freed' her!"
– Sharon M, Ohio
“I coached a young man with severe blocked nasal. During a transformational session, a lady passing by overhead my client and said, ‘Oh my, your voice is incredible.’ My client began to tear up and I felt fantastic for changing his life.”
– Greg S, Ohio
Roger Answers Your Questions
Applying & Training for Certification
"How do I apply? What’s the investment, if I’m accepted?"
"How soon will I know if I’m accepted?"
"What are the program training dates? When is Live Certification Training Weekend? "
"Are there scholarships?"
"I’m interested in RLM Certification for my own personal growth and gratification. Can I still apply for this opportunity?"
"I’m really busy. Can I go at my own pace?"
"I love to interact and practice in real time. What live training will I experience?"
"How long does it take to earn my Certification?"
"Now isn’t the best time for me. How long until enrollment opens again?"
"What is your Guarantee for the RLM Certification Training Program?"
Roger Answers Your Questions
Your Life As an RLM Certified Coach
"How can I monetize my skills as a Certified Coach of the Roger Love Method® for Speaking?"
"Why is the Roger Love Method® for speaking so different than every other type of communication training on the market?"
"Do I owe a percentage to RLMC©, Roger Love, or Voiceplace, Inc.?"
"Do I have to pass my Certification Exam to earn credentials? What’s on The Exam?"
"What happens if I don’t pass The Exam?"
"How long is my Certification valid, and what can I do to renew it?"
"I already own one of the bonuses. Can I regift it?"
"What Happens on Day 1 of holding my Roger Love Method® Certification?"
Not entirely clear yet? That’s okay. Let’s try the opposite approach.
Please Do Not Apply for This Opportunity…
...If you’re a current voice coach for singing, who wants to teach my Singing techniques. This is not for you. This certification is for coaching Speaking.
...If you have no prospects, leads, or existing clients.
(RLM will give you the tools to add more value, attract leads, and expand the Client/Prospect Circle you currently have. But if you’re starting from absolute scratch, you’ll likely find yourself too far behind your fellow Certification Hopefuls.)
…If you are both unwilling and unable to invest up to $10,000 in professional development and skill sets, even if you can start monetizing that investment and reaping ROI on Day 1 of having your Certification.
Why am I asking you that?
Because I’ve found that if YOU “can't" invest thousands of dollars in training for the benefit of your’re probably going to struggle with asking Other People (ie, your prospective clients) to pay YOU while THEY do the same thing.
Read this carefully: please do *not* apply for this opportunity if it would put yourself or the people who depend on you in financial trouble. If that’s your situation, please focus on taking care of yourself and your loved ones. Consider starting with my inexpensive, online courses for now. And when you’re at a professional place where special opportunities like this are possible for you, if we’re still meant to work together, we will.
By the way, if you’re interested in certification for your own personal satisfaction, and you just want to be a “Fly On the Wall” observer. You’re welcome to apply.
But please be aware—this is going to be an engaging, interactive live experience. There is no back wall for “passive observers” to slouch against.
I will treat you and train you with the same intentionality and depth as every other coach-who-intends-on-coaching.
And my aim is to make you feel so prepared and capable, confident and inspired that you DO coach, if only because you realize you now have a gift that can better someone ELSE’s life.
This is about quality and high standards behind the credentials of RLMC©.
My Goal is to set every coach who passes certification up to succeed. To be so good, so confident and so capable, that you DESERVE top dollar rates and so EFFECTIVE that clients will feel their investment is pennies on the dollar compared to the results they’ll get with your coaching.
In fact, I’m SO committed to sharpening your voice coaching skills…I won’t dedicate a single moment to rattling off the details of how to incorporate your company or optimize your funnel. I won’t hand over my mailing list for you to blast. That’s not what this program is about.
Truly, I’m here to give you an exceptional skill set that will set you apart, boost the results you can get for clients, and with time and dedication hopefully become the reason you can support your loved ones with an exceptional lifestyle and unmatched quality of life.
I’m here to put you on a pathway that leads to your clients lovingly protesting your Retirement Party.
A path that ends with your (long time from now!) funeral being the largest crowd your family has ever seen.
Because there are so many people who were so impacted by YOUR coaching, that they flew in on a second’s notice, to happily stand in that line, and hold that microphone…
…just for one last chance to tell the world how THEIR life was transformed because of YOUR life.
If that’s aligned with YOUR goals…
Please, hurry to submit your application before the seats fill up:
Apply NowLet The Journey Begin
What’s in front of you is a landmark opportunity.
You’ll be among the first in the world to enjoy the privileges and monetize my Method while literally spending your days getting paid to improve people’s voices, lives, careers, and communities.
My goal is for you and I to be together in person, 10 years from now, looking back and talking about how this moment, the choice you made, transformed your career forever.
I really hope to see your application soon.
Because, while I told you this is an invitation…
I’m not just offering to personally train and certify you…I'm offering you my Life's work.
I’m not inviting you into a group of strangers…
…I’m summoning you to join a family of exceptional human beings who are…
United by Method.
United by our Belief: that EVERY voice matters.
United by Our Mission: to change the world, one voice at a time.
I know for certain that,
Soon, the world is going to welcome a new select few
Certified Coaches in the Roger Love Method® for Speaking.
The only question is…
Will YOU be among them?
Copyright © 2022 Voiceplace, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Earnings Disclaimer: VOICEPLACE cannot and does not guarantee or promise any level of earnings. Participant’s level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors including Participant’s skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation, to name a few. Because these factors differ among clients, VOICEPLACE cannot and does not guarantee Participant’s success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. Participant alone is responsible for the actions and results in life and Participant’s business. It should be clear to Participants that by law VOICEPLACE makes no guarantees that Participant or Participant’s clients will achieve any results from our ideas or models presented by VOICEPLACE, and VOICEPLACE offers no professional legal, medical, psychological or financial advice.
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