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Coaches who work with executives, entrepreneurs, or people seeking transformative life shifts breathe a sigh ofā€¦Ā 


FINALLYā€¦ The ONE Single Skill Set Every Coach Needs to Build a Coaching Practice They Can Be Proud of.


Dear Coach,

Imagineā€¦ What if there was a skill set that could revolutionize every aspect of your coaching business?

What if this skill set became your secret power to effortlessly attract clients, skyrocket your marketing efforts, set optimal prices, cultivate unshakable self-belief, forge deep connections, and master time management?

What Iā€™m about to reveal will challenge your skepticism, because this isn't just another empty promise floating around the internet.

In fact, by the end of this short letter, you'll be convinced beyond doubt that this one single skill has the power to transform your coaching practice and propel it to unprecedented heights.

What youā€™re about to read will forever change the way you approach coaching.

Why such unwavering confidence?


Even though you and I probably havenā€™t met, one thing I know is you feel most alive when you...

"Make a Lasting Impact on
Your Clients' Livesā€

Maybe you crave the satisfaction of empowering people to expand their vision and achieve remarkable results.

Or maybe you love to see the magic in their eyes as their dreams materialize before them.

And yetā€¦

The journey to creating a successful, admirable, stable, and profitable coaching business is riddled with challenges and obstacles.

In a saturated market, finding and acquiring clients is crucial, and its attainment can be challenging at bestā€¦ Near impossible at the worstā€¦


Establishing credibility and fostering trust with potential clients, especially in the early stages, can feel like an unrelenting battle riddled with uncertainty.

Then comes the challenges in determining the optimal pricing structure. Set your fees too high, and potential clients may shy awayā€¦ Set them too low, and the perceived value of your services may diminish.

But here's the reality: Landing your client is just the beginning.

Each client is unique.

They have different goals, personalities, and challenges. As a coach, you need to be adaptable and flexible to meet the specific needs of each client. This requires strong interpersonal skills, active listening, and the ability to customize your coaching approach to ensure effective outcomes.

To make matters worseā€¦

The pressure mounts as their expectations ascend to unprecedented heights, casting a shadow of immense responsibility upon your coaching journey.

Each client, driven by their deep-seated desires and dreams, looks to you as the catalyst for their transformation. They seek not only guidanceā€¦ They want miraclesā€”miracles that will reshape their lives, propel their careers, and redefine their sense of self.

They envision you as the beacon of hope, the wizard capable of unraveling the complexities that hold them back. The weight of their aspirations becomes your burden, fueling the need for unwavering dedication, relentless pursuit of excellence, and commitment to their success.

The stakes have never been higher, as the magnitude of the impact you hold in their lives is immeasurable.

Is there a way to achieve everything you desire from your coaching practice without the heaviness, turmoil, and strife?

As you already know, personal development and training programs are a dime a dozen. While some may help in some areas, do they provide a keystone solution to the problem or do they just mask the symptoms?

Yes, Iā€™m talking about that single unifying skillā€¦

Do they attack a hidden root cause that once resolved can help put you intoā€¦

ā€œA State of Coaching Flowā€

Imagineā€¦ You effortlessly navigate the challenges in your coaching practice with unwavering confidence and ease. Where your coaching business not only thrivesā€¦ It radiates positive energy and enthusiasm, attracts ideal clients, and commands the value you deserve.

In this world, picture yourself creating a motivating atmosphere, empowering your clients to explore possibilities and conquer obstacles. Your passion for coaching and unwavering belief in their potential become palpable, inspiring them to embrace change and pursue their goals with unwavering confidence.

Establishing a profound connection with your clients becomes second nature. You actively listen, and create a safe space where they feel comfortable sharing their deepest thoughts and emotions.

Nowā€¦ Envision yourself asking all the right thought-provoking and insightful questions to help your clientsā€¦

ā€œGain Clarity, Challenge Assumptions,
and Unlock New Perspectivesā€

When youā€™re truly in your ā€œCoaching Flow State,ā€ you listen with attentive ears and a judgment-free mindset, and capture not only the words but also the nuances, emotions, and underlying messages conveyed by your clients. You grasp essential information, understand their unique situations, and provide relevant guidance.

Guiding clients in defining clear and meaningful goals becomes your forte. You offer unwavering support in developing actionable strategies and holding them accountable for their progress.

Recognizing the individuality of each client, you adopt a customized coaching approach tailored to their specific strengths, weaknesses, learning styles, and preferences. This personalized touch ensures an exceptional coaching experience.

When youā€™re in flowā€¦ Your mission transcends surface-level guidance; you help clients recognize their own capabilities, strengths, and abundant resources. By fostering confidence and a sense of ownership, you empower them to make informed decisions and take decisive actions.

Try thisā€¦

Paint a mental picture of yourself possessing the power to unlock such transformative action within your clients, enabling them to manifest their deepest desires and achieve remarkable results. Where youā€™re able to unleash your power to drive transformative action in your clients, empowering them to achieve their deepest desires.

If youā€™re like most of the transformational coaches in my circles, that sounds refreshing like a tall cool glass of lemon water on a hot summerā€™s day. (I can smell the citrus now.)

Hereā€™s the big secretā€¦

The keystone to unlocking this flow state is inā€¦

ā€œThe One Essential Skill Set That
Binds Together All The Restā€

You seeā€¦

Running a coaching practice requires dedication and mastery of several skills.

Mindset, marketing, sales, communications, planning, and scheduling come to the top of my mind (and we could both name several others).

The thing isā€¦

The world described above is within your reach when you master one single set of skills.

Before I reveal what that skill set is, know thisā€¦

Mastering this one skill set holds the key to unlocking untapped potentialā€¦ charting a remarkable trajectory for your coaching practice. It can give you more freedom to choose the right clients, open doors to extraordinary opportunities, and empower you to redefine success and transcend existing limitations.

While this skill set is NOT marketing, sales, or negotiationā€¦ Once you invest the time and energy, it can help you better steer your marketing, negotiate pricing, and communicate the value you provide.

And believe it or not, this skill set is NOT mantras, meditation, journaling, therapy, or counseling, and yetā€¦ It can help you develop a commanding presence and a compelling delivery, which makes self-doubt and imposter syndrome melt away.

Itā€™s not hypnosis, NLP, or guided visualization, and yet when you master the nuances of this mystery skill set, you can better convey empathy, understanding, and flexibility, which creates a safe space for clients to express their changing aspirations and challenges.

And, if you want to:

ā€œSet Yourself Apart in the Marketplaceā€

This skill set becomes your own secret power to separate your practice from all others (which could allow you to command even higher fees)

How can I be so confident?

Because Iā€™ve been teaching it for over 30 years to business owners, executives, and other people who want to transform their life. At all skill levels, too. From School Teachers who want to command more respect from their students, to executives who want to be taken more seriously. From business owners who want to expand their business to celebrity actors and speakers like: Jeff Bridges, Reese Witherspoon, Tony Robbins, Brendan Burchard, and Marie Forleo.

While Iā€™m not promising you the same results as meā€¦ and Iā€™m not promising you the same results my clients get (after all, I donā€™t know you and your business. Plus, we both know itā€™s only the select few driven people who take action.)

I can tell you this:

Over the years Iā€™ve been able to command well over 5-figures for one-on-one coaching sessions at my highest tier.

And nowā€¦

I encourage you to master the skill of using your voice. Before I share exactly how youā€™re going to do thatā€¦

ā€œHow Your Voice Affects
Your Coaching Practiceā€

You seeā€¦

Your voice is the keystone skill of all other skills you need in your coaching practice. When you learn how to leverage your voice youā€™ll be able to better attract clients, overcome self-doubt, adapt to evolving needs, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Hereā€™s a few examples:

Mastering your voice can enhance your ability to effectively market your services, negotiate pricing, and communicate the value you provide. By confidently conveying your expertise and value proposition, you can attract clients, secure business opportunities, and maintain profitability.

Acquiring Clients:

Your communication prowess enhances your lead generation efforts, strengthens networking connections, and ultimately leads to a higher conversion rate of potential clients.

By skillfully articulating your coaching approach, demonstrating empathy, and building rapport through your voice, you can establish even more trust and credibility.

Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt:

Mastering your voice empowers you to exude confidence and authenticity.

By developing a commanding presence and a compelling vocal delivery, you can overcome self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Clients respond positively to coaches who project self-assurance, which helps build trust and instills confidence in your abilities.

Adaptation to Evolving Client Needs:

Mastering your voice is more than just talking. It also helps you detect subtle, hidden, or often unnoticed nuances in your client communications.

When you know exactly what to listen for, you can better understand their evolving needs, and adapt your coaching approach accordingly.

Then you can convey empathy, understanding, and flexibility, creating a safe space for clients to express their changing aspirations and challenges. This heightened level of communication enables you to provide tailored guidance and maintain your relevance in an ever-changing coaching landscape.

Time Management and Work-Life Balance:

Mastering your voice can help you optimize your ability to manage time effectively and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

With improved communication skills, you can more easily establish clear boundaries, efficiently delegate tasks, and manage your clientā€™s growing expectations.

Your effective communication fosters productivity, reduces miscommunication, and allows you to allocate time more efficiently, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling professional and personal life.

Confidence and Presence:

Enhance your confidence and presence as a coach. By developing and mastering voice control, projection, and effective communication techniques, you can exude a commanding presence that captivates and engages your clients.

This heightened sense of confidence and presence allows you to establish authority, build trust, and create a positive coaching environment.

Rapport Building:

Strong rapport enhances the effectiveness of your coaching sessions and strengthens client relationships. With the right voice melody, tone, and pacing, you can strengthen your connection with your clients.

Itā€™s your tool to match their emotional state and demonstrate genuine understanding, and establish a deeper level of trust and collaboration.

Clarity and Expressiveness:

By refining your voice, you can ensure that your message is conveyed effectively and understood by your clients.

The ability to express ideas, concepts, and instructions clearly enhances the impact and effectiveness of your coaching, allowing clients to grasp insights and take meaningful action.

Emotional Impact:

Your coaching sessions need to create an emotional impact. By leveraging your voice in the right ways, you can create an emotional resonance that resonates deeply with your clients. This emotional connection enhances their engagement, motivation, and receptiveness to change, facilitating transformative coaching experiences.

Influence and Persuasion:

If you want to be a persuasive and influential coach, nothing will help more than knowing exactly how to use your voice.

By harnessing the power of delivery, persuasive techniques, and effective storytelling, you can influence and inspire your clients to embrace new perspectives, overcome obstacles, and take decisive actions towards their goals.

Your ability to captivate and persuade through your voice sets you apart as a compelling and impactful coach.

Iā€™m sure youā€™re thinking, ā€œThatā€™s great, Roger, but how can I use this skill toā€¦

ā€œEmpower My Clients with Even Better Results and Expand Their Vision.ā€

While mastering your voice can help you attract clients, market yourself effectively, believe in yourself, build strong connections, manage your time wisely, and moreā€¦

Perhaps the best part about mastering your voice is what you can do for your clients.

Think about itā€¦

Voice mastery is a hidden gem in the world of coaching, and very few coaches harness its transformative potential to empower their clients.

If you could effectively bring this skill to your clients, they could get even better results and your coaching practice could elevate to new heights (not to mention set yourself apart as a trailblazer in your industry).

While most coaches focus on traditional methods, you would stand out as a visionary who understands the profound impact of voice empowerment on personal and professional growthā€¦ and use it toā€¦

ā€œSupercharge What Youā€™re Already Doing With Your Clients.ā€

Imagine the possibilitiesā€¦

You are already equipped to guide your clients towards breakthrough moments, helping them surpass their limitations and achieve extraordinary outcomes...

Then you pour gas on the fire by (for example) suggesting ā€œhowā€ to say what you suggest they say to land new clients, better lead their team, or verbalize affirmations.

Whatever your coaching niche is, mixing in voice becomes a tool in your coaching arsenal.

Your voice mastery becomes the secret ingredient that helps your clients connect on a deeper level, understand needs of other people in their life more effectively, and guides them towards even deeper transformative outcomes.

Then the Real Magic Happensā€¦

As you get even better results for your clients, your reputation as a coach who goes above and beyond the norm grows exponentially. Word spreads quickly about the remarkable transformations your clients undergo, attracting even more driven individuals seeking your unparalleled coaching expertise.

You become the trusted source of support and guidance, standing out in a crowded market.

Your clients recognize and appreciate your unique approach, leading to enhanced satisfaction, long-lasting relationships, and an elevated reputation in the coaching industry. Through this mastery, you unlock the key to exceptional results and become a catalyst for remarkable change in the lives of your clients.

ā€œHereā€™s How To Do It Fastā€

By now youā€™re probably thinkingā€¦

ā€œThis sounds greatā€¦ how do I learn this skill set?ā€

And then (perhaps more importantly), ā€œhow do I integrate this skill set into my coaching practice?ā€

There are a number of ways to do it. Some are better than others, and some are faster than others.

You could start by seeking feedback from clients, peers, and mentors. Then identify patterns, refine your approach, and slowly transform your voice into your own private secret power.

While this can be an effective approachā€¦ It requires a lot of effort, can put you in a vulnerable position with people close to you, and requires you to stay accountable to yourself. If you feel even a slight bit uneasy with that, you might seek another solution.

Of course, there's a lot of free information online about voice available on platforms like YouTube and in Podcasts. However, the problem with learning from these sources is that the information is scattered and not arranged in a clear, step-by-step manner. It can be like a jumbled puzzle, making it difficult to sort and organize the knowledge into a logical and easy-to-understand learning process. In fact, it can feel like a full-time job just trying to make sense of it all.

And as if sitting through the content creatorā€™s ads and promotions isn't bad enoughā€¦ you still donā€™t get the personalized feedback you need to get the kind of results you know you really want.

Of course if you want the fastest, most reliable results, itā€™s best to work directly with a guide or mentor who has perfected voice over many yearsā€¦ who has also successfully helped coaches integrate voice coaching into their existing practice.

Let me tell you, thatā€™s hard to find. And in the past, when I had been asked to teach coaches how to use voice to help their clients, it was a ā€˜hard noā€™... I wouldnā€™t reveal my coaching secrets to anyone.

I wanted to be the only one out there who could help someone stop their stutter. I wanted to be the one people like Tony Robbins called when he needed his voice to be in prime shape for a speaking tour. I wanted to be the voice coach celebrities (like Jeff Bridges) called out from stage while accepting their awards.

Then it hit meā€¦

I can help even more people by empowering them to use my voice secrets in their coaching practice. So I did a trial run, and it was a great success.

And nowā€¦

For a Limited Number of the Right Coachesā€¦

Iā€™m going to open the doors to teach the exact method I developed over the last 30 years to help Coaches at all levels master their voice and integrate it into their coaching practice.

If youā€™d like to move the fastest and get the most reliable results my method is the bestā€¦ I stand behind it, and I want you to have it.

If you have an existing coaching practiceā€¦.I want you to use it to attract clients, market yourself even more effectively, have more belief in yourself, build stronger connections, manage your time more wisely, and help your clients get even better results.

By now, you probably haveā€¦

ā€œMore Questions Than Answersā€

And thatā€™s why Iā€™d like to invite you to schedule a complimentary session with one of my Voice Coaching Success Strategists to get all your questions answered.

Donā€™t worry, you wonā€™t have to perform or sing. Instead, you will work together to create a step by step roadmap to implementing voice coaching into your practiceā€¦ even if you donā€™t have experience in voice coaching in the past.

Schedule With Your Voice Coaching Success Strategist Now >>

Due to the intense personalized nature of this invitation, our available time slots are extremely limited. Once the calendar fills up, we won't be able to accommodate any more appointments.

Opportunity waits for no one, so donā€™t file this away for later ā€“ Act now to seize this unique chance to transform your coaching practice and unleash your full potential.

Schedule now while itā€™s fresh on your mind.

"A Jigsaw Puzzle Isn't Complete Without Each Piece Finding Its Rightful Place."

Your Complimentary Voice Coaching Success Strategy Session could be the exact missing piece that ties your coaching practice together.

And yetā€¦

It still might not be right for you. Since calendar space is limited, please be mindful of others and only schedule if youā€™re ā€œAll inā€ on getting even greater results in your coaching practice.

Hereā€™s who the Voice Coaching Success Strategy Session is NOT for:

  • If youā€™re NOT interested in personal development or growthā€¦
  • If you have a LIMITED desire to make a lasting impact on your clients' livesā€¦
  • If you do NOT value establishing deep connections with themā€¦
  • If you prefer a more one-size-fits-all approach to coaching your clientsā€¦
  • If you avoid the responsibility of being a catalyst for change and the pressure that comes with itā€¦.
  • If you do NOT currently have a coaching practiceā€¦

The Voice Coaching Success Strategy Session might not appeal to you.

On the other handā€¦

If you work with clients ā€¦

  • Achieve success in acquiring clients,
  • Overcome imposter syndrome,
  • Adapt to evolving client needs,
  • Managing time effectively,
  • Exude confidence and presence,
  • Build deep rapport,
  • Convey clarity and expressiveness,
  • Creating emotional impact, and/or
  • Enhance influence and persuasionā€¦

Then time is of the essence. Schedule your Voice Coaching Success Strategy Session right now before other motivated coaches block you out.

Schedule With Your Voice Coaching Success Strategist Now >>