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After opening your new Step-by-Step Presentation Assessment Tool, the next things you’re going to want to know are:

  • What one thing you should do every day to make your voice sound BETTER, so you can LOVE your talks from the very first time you watch them!
  • Which techniques you should rely on to create your IDEAL IMPRESSION, so you can feel confident, every time you present!
  • How to QUICKLY ELIMINATE monotone, vocal fry, and other undesirable vocal habits so you can become a respected and in-demand presenter!

Learn all that, and more, inside...

Roger Love's The Perfect Voice
Complete Online Training Program

PLUS! Get $1,035.00 in bonuses when you join today!

  • The Perfect Voice  Complete Collection Online Training Program ($147.00 value)
    • The Perfect Voice Starter Kit
    • The Perfect Voice for Love & Relationships
    • The Perfect Voice for Money & The Workplace 
  • Downloadable Audio Recordings for on-the-go improvement ($97.00 value)
  • The Complete Guide to The Perfect Voice ($147.00 value)
  • Roger Love’s 4-Step System to Know Your Voice ($297.00 value)
  • Roger Love’s Signature Daily Vocal Warmups ($197.00 value)
  • Exclusive Community Portal ($297.00 value)

TOTAL VALUE $1,182.00

Yours TODAY for just $147.00

Finally, you can get the same vocal secrets and techniques that Roger teaches his celebrity clients...

...including many of the highest-paid speakers, authors, entrepreneurs, and executives!

The Perfect Voice Starter Pack

Learn the foundations of effective vocal communications through The Roger Love Method.

Find out how to…

  • Showcase unshakable confidence, without ever feeling fake. 
  • Instantly connect with any audience, so that others can get to know, like, and trust you FASTER.
  • Eliminate monotone, vocal fry, and other undesirable vocal habits so you can become a respected and in-demand presenter!

...and so much more!

The Perfect Voice for Money & The Workplace 

Improve your chances of achieving financial security through using Roger’s workplace-ready vocal strategies. 

Find out how to…

  • Sound like the Boss (Even If You Aren’t)!
  • Ask for a raise, without memorizing every word you want to say.
  • Deploy effective vocal techniques to help you get what you want as a negotiator, buyer, and seller!

...and so much more!

The Perfect Voice for Love & Relationships 

Great communication is key to a successful relationship. Take your personal life to a whole new level by learning the vocal techniques that will help you attract, connect with, and maintain an outstanding personal relationship. 

Let Mr. Love himself, show you how to…

  • Get a “yes”...whether you’re asking for a date or proposing marriage!
  • Use effective vocal techniques to productively work through arguments.
  • Sound more attractive and romantic, without feeling cheesy.

 ...and so much more!

The Perfect Voice is PERFECT for…

Business Professionals  •  Subject Matter Experts  •  Authors, Podcasters & Youtube Hosts  •  Entrepreneurs  •  Up-And-Coming Influencers

"I have been wondering my entire life why no one listens to me or takes what I have to say seriously. I knew my voice was part of the problem, but I had no idea why or what to do. I bought The Perfect Voice program the day I learned of it...

After just a few weeks of daily practice, my voice has improved. I received compliments from my CIO and colleagues. I felt great speaking.

This has made me someone who people are beginning to pay attention to, and has jump started my career and my confidence. Thank you!

D.A.S. from Portland, Oregon
"The Perfect Voice" course owner

PLUS! Get $1,035.00 in Bonuses When You Join Today!

Including instant access to...

Audio Edition (DOWNLOADABLE!)

($97.00 Value)
Included Today!

Do you love listening your way to becoming a better presenter and influencer? Then this bonus is going to become your new best friend. Enjoy all of The Perfect Voice Starter Pack as downloadable MP3’s you can take with you on-the-go. 

"The Complete Guide to The Perfect Voice" (PDF)

($147.00 Value)
Included Today!

Roger spent months distilling each section of The Perfect Voice down into its core take-aways. Then, he added exercises and reflection questions to help you experience even more improvement, and put them all into a single, comprehensive PDF. 

Inside The Guide, you’ll find the KEYS to every section in The Perfect Voice. That means, if you did nothing else, and only read that PDF in one evening, you would already know so much about using your voice to influence and maximize your income, that you’d have practically leapfrogged your competition while they were sleeping.

"The 4-Step System to Know Your Voice" (PDF)

($297.00 Value)
Included Today!

What if you’ve never had a voice lesson or even thought about your voice before? 

Roger wants to help YOU immediately. You’ll also get Roger’s “4-Step System to Know Your Voice.” That PDF and online video portal will fill give you a lot of clarity and help you quickly figure out where your voice is right now, so you know exactly what to do NEXT to improve.

Roger Love’s Signature Daily Vocal Warmups

($197.00 Value)
Included Today!
If you saw the documentaries of Anthony Robbins or Rachel Hollis, you’ve seen how Roger's celebrity clients devotedly depend on the warmups he created. Now, you can, as well.
PLUS! When you join today, you'll enjoy MP3 DOWNLOAD PRIVILEGES, so you can take your warmups with you on-the-go!

Exclusive Community Portal

($297.00 Value)
Included Today!

As an owner of The Perfect Voice, you’ll enjoy access to an exclusive community portal where you can inspire others, be inspired, create a focus-group, and network with other rising stars. Want to test out your new podcast name? Looking for a beta group to read your book and share a review? Need an accountability partner? This is the perfect place. 

Get Roger's Answers To Your Questions!

Yes, the vocal exercises you’ll get in The Perfect Voice are NOT singing exercises. They’re vocal exercises intended for speakers.

No, most of my students can drastically improve the range and quality of their voices, plus really improve their overall presentation skills, just through watching my video lessons. That makes total sense when you realize that I’ve spent a lifetime listening to voices and helping people figure out what they need. After nearly 75,000 hours of coaching, I’ve mapped out the process—here’s the first thing to work on, and then the second, and then this usually gets mixed in, and so on. I’ve dialed in my technique and training so precisely that you can watch my lessons and improve your voice, without EVER having to see me in person. Try it for yourself, by joining today.

YES. I’m so confident that my Perfect Voice program will work for you, that I promise a 30-Day Improvement Guarantee. Just watch all the lessons, follow my recommendations, practice and apply. If you don’t hear an improvement in your voice, just show us your work before Day 30 for a full refund. Join today because the sooner you start, the sooner you can hear improvement!

NO. Rest assured—Siri was never my student. And I certainly don’t believe that 1 voice fits all. My goal is to bring out the best parts of YOUR voice, so you can showcase the best of you and what you have to say. Take it from Kin, a Perfect Voice owner in Aurora, Colorado--
“I've practiced a few times with this exercise…and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my new voice! It sounded way more like myself and the image / the type of person that I am. Thank-you Roger! Taking your class was one of the best things I've done this year.”
Only a teeny, tiny fraction of the world is actually tone deaf. And in my 30+ years of teaching, almost every student who’s ever told me they’re “tone deaf” wasn’t at all. You may THINK you’re “tone deaf,” but probably you’re just “tone un-trained” because no one has ever TAUGHT you WHAT to listen FOR. That’s my job, as I guide you through the easy-to-follow video lessons inside The Perfect Voice. When you enroll now, you’ll be joining 6,452 non-singers who have used the Perfect Voice to improve their speaking, many of whom wondered if they, too, were “tone deaf” before joining. Plus, you can be totally confident that The Perfect Voice WILL work for you, because I guarantee your vocal improvement.
Every person’s voice is special and unique, so I could never promise you a day on the calendar when your voice will improve. However, I CAN share that most clients hear vocal improvement within the first few weeks, after going through my program and practicing with my vocal warmups 3 or 4 times a week. Listen to D.A.S., a corporate professional and Perfect Voice owner in Portland, Oregon. His experience is pretty typical of Perfect Voice program users:
“I bought this program the day I learned of it...I practiced and practiced...After three weeks I really felt my voice changing. After a month, I received compliments from my colleague and our CIO. Having that edge gave me such confidence. I felt great speaking, and I enjoyed being in front of the audience. Just a few weeks of daily practice has altered my voice, made me someone who people are beginning to pay attention to, and has jump started my career and my confidence. Thank you!” In fact, the improvement can be so sudden, that it leaves you in a happy shock. Like it did for Michelle O’Connor, a Perfect Voice owner in Dublin, Ireland:
“Roger, I am simply lost for words. I just recorded my 'new' voice then went back to the first recording. I simply cannot believe the transformation. Amazing. I also must tell you that I changed my voicemail and when my husband left a message yesterday he commented on the change and how professional it sounded. He didn't know I was doing this course so I'm thrilled his compliment was genuine. Thank you so much!”

Yes! When you join The Perfect Voice today, you’ll get unlimited access, so you can start learning whenever it’s convenient for you.

30-Day Improvement Guarantee

Just watch all the lessons, practice, and apply what you learn. If you don’t notice an improvement in the sound of your voice, show us your work before Day 30 and I’ll give you every dollar back.

Hereā€™s Everything You're Going To Get Today:

  • The Perfect Voice  Complete Collection Online Training Program ($147.00 value)
    • The Perfect Voice Starter Kit
    • The Perfect Voice for Love & Relationships
    • The Perfect Voice for Money & The Workplace 
  • Downloadable Audio Recordings for on-the-go improvement ($97.00 value)
  • The Complete Guide to The Perfect Voice ($147.00 value)
  • Roger Love’s 4-Step System to Know Your Voice ($297.00 value)
  • Roger Love’s Signature Daily Vocal Warmups ($197.00 value)
  • Exclusive Community Portal ($297.00 value)

TOTAL VALUE $1,182.00

Yours TODAY for just $147.00

What Clients Are Saying About Roger's Techniques


50% Complete

Two Step

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