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Secret Formula for the Perfect Pitch (Works for Sales, Jobs, Gigs and More!)


Enrollment to Pitch Perfect Closes In...









Start Getting What You Want and Achieving Your Goals FASTER, With Your Perfect Sales & Elevator Pitch!

This works!


You just walked into an elevator. Pushing the button for Floor 20, you turn around and suddenly realize...

It’s THEM – THE person who could radically change your life for the better!

(Maybe it’s your idol, a dream client, the controller of a keynote stage, a TV producer, book publisher, keynote booker, angel investor…) 

You’ve got their captive attention for just a few more floors before they walk out of your life forever.

So, let me ask you...

Are you totally confident that your current pitch would CONVINCE them to give you the life-changing opportunity?

If you didn’t reply with a “RESOUNDING YES,” then, every day, you’re likely missing out on opportunities to win more and get what you want. 

My Question To You Is...

How long can you afford to keep taking that risk?

Get Started Today For Just $697

Now, think about the reward...

If you could convince that person in the elevator to work with you...

To fund your project...  Promote you...  Buy from you...  Partner with you…

How much would that single, dream opportunity be worth to you?


Now, what if I personally coached you through crafting and delivering YOUR Ultimate Pitch so that you could say, “YES! I have total confidence when I pitch!”

That’s exactly the opportunity I want to give you today.


Pitch Perfect with Roger Love

The world's only live-coaching program that combines Roger Love's proven Ultimate Pitch Formula with his signature voice coaching techniques. 

Experience 9 weeks of live virtual small group coaching with America's #1 Voice Coach Roger Love as he guides you through crafting, polishing, and masterfully delivering your very own Ultimate Pitch. 

You're just a few months away from owning a customized pitch you can deliver, at any time, with total confidence. 

Sneak Peek! Inside the Pitch Perfect Experience

Experience a taste of what it's like inside the weekly live virtual workshops with Roger Love...


What You Can Achieve
with Pitch Perfect

Through Pitch Perfect, Roger Love will personally help you craft and perfect an Ultimate Pitch that you can use to...

  • Close more sales than ever before
  • Secure a prestigious book deal
  • Win the speaking stage of your dreams
  • Deliver your best proposal yet
  • Get so many new clients that you break a record
  • Convince a team to champion your idea
  • Wow people at networking events
  • Get anything you want

What will YOU achieve with a Perfect Pitch?

Join Pitch Perfect now to find out!

Secure my Seat in Pitch Perfect, Now!

Escape the Needy, Fake, Scary Sales Styles of the Past... and Join Roger’s New Guard of Goal Getters

Through Pitch Perfect, Roger Love is investing in a New Guard of Goal Getters.
This is Our Playbook:

  • We, the New Guard, depend on our voices and don’t worry about “perfect words.”
  • We recognize our own worth and pitch opportunities that add genuine value and benefit all parties.
  • We pitch from a place of abundance, integrity, self-dignity, and partnership.
  • We never use underhanded tactics and do not sound fake, rehearsed, or robotic.
  • We are leading a new generation of highly successful and influential communicators known for being authentic, engaging, polished, and professional.

If you want the power to pitch and present with total confidence, authenticity, and likability…without EVER relying on robotic, outdated tactics that make you look needy...

THIS is your tribe. You belong in the New Guard of Goal Getters.

You belong in Pitch Perfect.

Welcome home.

Meet Your Coach

Roger Love is recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on voice. No other vocal coach in history has been more commercially successful in both the speaking and singing fields. Roger has vocally produced more than 100 million unit sales worldwide and written three top-selling books. Roger coaches singers such as Gwen Stefani, John Mayer, and Selena Gomez, as well as speakers like Anthony Robbins, Suze Orman, Brendon Burchard and Simon Sinek, and screen personalities including Reese Witherspoon, Jeff Bridges, Zoe Saldana, Keira Knightly, Angelina Jolie, Bradley Cooper, and Joaquin Phoenix.

Hollywood's Go-To-Guy and YOU

If you were invited into Roger Love's Hollywood studio to sit down with him, 1-on-1, could you answer "yes" to any of these statements...

  • Yes, I’m an entrepreneur or subject-matter expert looking to achieve Big Goals.
  • Yes, I refuse to let my talent, goals, and projects be undermined by the way I pitch or present them.
  • Yes, I’d be more successful if I could incorporate highly effective voice-based communication techniques into every presentation I make.
  • Yes, my current voice is limiting my power, influence, and authenticity.
  • Yes, I need a persuasive, confident, intrigue-provoking Ultimate Pitch that I can deliver at any time without ever sounding fake or needy.
  • Yes, my career/ideas/products/ services are too precious to accept anything less than the feedback of an informed, accomplished coach.
  • If you answered "YES" to any of the above, you're in the right place. You belong in Pitch Perfect. 

What You'll Experience Inside Pitch Perfect

  • EIGHT (8) LIVE VIRTUAL GROUP COACHING WORKSHOPS WITH ROGER LOVE: As a member of Pitch Perfect, you’ll enjoy incredible access and attention from Roger that you can’t find anywhere else. During each workshop, you’ll be able to ask questions and get answers, so you’re always up to speed and making progress.
  • OUTCOMES YOU CAN MONETIZE FOR DECADES: By the end of Pitch Perfect, you’ll have a crafted, polished, and expert-informed pitch that you can start monetizing right away.
    Pitch Perfect is laser-focused on the most lucrative and high-frequency speech you give: your pitch—regardless of whether you’re giving a self-introduction pitch, an elevator pitch, or a sales pitch. That’s a skill you need, no matter what you do or want to achieve, so it’s always relevant and highly-monetizable.
    PLUS, when you know Roger’s FORMULA and have these skills, your potential to create and use NEW pitches is UNLIMITED.
  • PERSONALIZED FEEDBACK FROM ROGER LOVE: You’ll get protected time to deliver your pitch to Roger and get immediate feedback, which will give you so much clarity and confidence in your final outcome.
  • SIGNATURE STRATEGY YOU CAN’T LEARN ANYWHERE ELSE: Each week, Roger will take you step-by-step through his written formula for the ULTIMATE PITCH and the VOCAL PROFILE for delivering it. That special combination of sounds and words is what makes all the difference in presenting yourself and your idea in the most compelling, authentic, and engaging way.
  • QUALIFIED COACHING YOU CAN DEPEND ON: Your career, ideas, products and services are important. Don’t get confused, lost, or even misguided by non-expert feedback. Instead, only accept feedback you can trust, from the same coach that famous marketing and pitching experts go to—Roger Love.
  • CONVENIENT LIVE TRAINING THAT FITS YOUR SCHEDULE: Each workshop is hosted online and will be recorded and saved in your member’s area for a FULL YEAR, so you’ll always be able to see every workshop and re-watch anything you want.
  • BUILT-IN MOTIVATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY: If you’ve ever invested in a program and didn’t finish it…Pitch Perfect will break that habit, once and for all. Every week, you’ll get a friendly “refocus” reminder in the form of that week’s small group live virtual workshop invitation. That's accountability you can look forward to.
    Plus, your pitch performance date (the day you’ll deliver your pitch to Roger and get immediate feedback) will motivate you to learn, practice and be ready to rock your new skills.
  • GUARANTEED IMPROVEMENT: Take advantage of Roger’s 45-Day LOVE IT Guarantee. Try the training for 45 days and if you show up, practice, implement and still don’t see results, just show us your work for a full refund. That’s how you can join Pitch Perfect today with total confidence that it WILL work for you.
  • NETWORK OF SUPPORTIVE, LIKE-MINDED PEERS: As a member of Pitch Perfect, you'll enjoy access to an exclusive community portal. It's the perfect place to find accountability partners and make connections that lead you to greater success. Maybe a classmate will even see your pitch and hire you!

Pitch Perfect:
Everything You Need to Succeed

Customized Feedback from Roger

Get Roger’s real-time feedback on your voice and elevator pitch, so that you get the most informed and effective coaching that you can trust.

Step-By-Step Guidance

Nine weeks of LIVE coaching from Roger Love, showing you exactly what you need to do, when, and in what order so you always know exactly how to move forward.

Support & Community

Through our exclusive community portal, you can make connections that lead you to greater success. Maybe a classmate will even see your pitch and hire you!

Outcomes You Can Monetize for Decades

Engage with Roger’s teaching every week, and walk away with a final, polished, and personalized pitch you can use over-and-over again.

Enroll in Pitch Perfect, Now!

Join Now to Experience These Exclusive Bonuses

Bonus #1:

4-Step System to Know Your Voice

If you’ve never had a voice lesson or even thought about your voice before, Roger wants to help YOU immediately, and ensure you’re set up to get lasting results. The “4-Step System to Know Your Voice” PDF and online companion portal will fill in the gaps and get you up to speed. It’s also going to give you a lot of clarity and help you quickly figure out where your voice is right now, so you know exactly what to improve NEXT.


Bonus #2: 

Ultimate Stage Prep Package

Everything you need to prep for your best presentation, yet! Includes...

  • "Never Lose Your Voice Again" online video program
  • "The Presentation Planner" Digital PDF
  • "3-Step System to Eliminate Stage Fright" online video program

Bonus #3:

"The Presentation Planner" Limited Edition  

"The Presentation Planner" you can take with you on the go! This special hard copy edition contains all the questions you need to ask and the details you need to know before you do a podcast, radio show, webinar/livecast, in-person meeting or keynote speech. It’s going to save you lots of time and potentially hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in mistakes avoided.


Bonus #4:

Exclusive Community Portal

The more successful you become, the more you need a community of people who UNDERSTAND, support and encourage you to be EVEN BETTER.

As a member of Pitch Perfect, you’ll enjoy access to an exclusive community portal where you can inspire others, be inspired, create a focus group, and network with other rising stars. As you share your pitch, a fellow student may even take you up on your offer or make introductions for you!


Bonus #5:

"The Voice of Success Live" Tuition Waiver

Experience Voice of Success Live, Roger's flagship, annual, 3-day event. Some guests have said it’s the most transformative weekend training they’ve ever experienced. When you enroll in Pitch Perfect, your tuition is waived, just pay the $97 materials fee when you secure your seat.

Voice of Success Live 2020 dates will be announced in early 2020.

Can't make the dates? That's ok! Your tuition waiver is transferrable to another year and you can always gift it to a friend.


Incredible Super Bonus!

One member of Pitch Perfect will win an in-studio, 1-on-1 vocal strategy session with Roger Love!

YOU decide who wins because you’ll get a chance to vote as a group to determine the winner.

This bonus is priceless, because Roger doesn’t even offer single lessons anymore.

     You can’t buy this.

You have to be a part of this incredible Pitch Perfect experience for the chance to win.

What You're Going to Get

  • Pitch Perfect with Roger Love - 9 Week Live Coaching Program ($9,000.00 value)

  • Exclusive Community Portal  ($497.00 value)
  • 4-Step System to Know Your Voice ($297.00 value)
  • Ultimate Stage Prep Package ($1297.00 value), which includes:

• "Never Lose Your Voice Again"

• "The Presentation Planner" Digital PDF

• "3-Step System to Eliminate Stage Fright"

  • "The Presentation Planner" Hardcopy ($197.00 value)
  • Voice of Success Live Tuition Waiver ($997.00 value)

TOTAL VALUE $12,285.00

Get started today with 3 payments of $697.00

Yes! I want Pitch Perfect!

45-Day Improvement Guarantee

Your enrollment is fully protected under the 45-Day Improvement Guarantee!

If you show up, practice, apply, and still don’t hear improvement in your voice, just show us your work before Day 46 for a full refund.

Make Me Pitch Perfect!

You Asked. Roger Answered.


More A's to Your Q's

YES! Pitch Perfect is the only way to get live, personalized feedback from me, without being in my private mentorship program. Everyone who is in good standing by week 8 or 9 of the program will get to present their pitch to me, live. Pretty cool, right?

Yes, I’ll record every workshop for you to re-watch when it’s convenient for you.  

To your question about value…Pitch Perfect enrollment is discounted heavily because my intention is that, by “Yes” Number 3 to your Ultimate Pitch, your investment would be effectively paying you back.  

And while the live group coaching and guaranteed personal feedback from me is really going to help you…

 You don’t have to be there live to STILL get a huge bang for your buck.

Take it from Pitch Perfect alum, Steve, who was in your same situation:


“I've bought 10+ training programs in the last year and Pitch Perfect is one of the best. Roger's training is extremely engaging. I wasn't able to attend all the live workshops, so I watched the replays and STILL got incredible value.” --Steve Suen


Yes, take advantage of the 3-payment plan so you can spread out the investment and still get live group coaching from me, starting soon. 

It's important that you join now because my film, TV and keynote commitments could prevent me from ever offering this special coaching program again. Please don't miss out. Join now, using the buttons on this page. 

Together, we’re going to break that streak of less-than-fully utilized courses because Pitch Perfect is ENGINEERED to eliminate stumbling blocks and get you across the finish line.

By giving you…

  • GUARANTEED Personalized Feedback from ME, so you have informed, expert guidance and never get stuck or confused.
  • Consistent coaching, engagement, and routine, so you stay involved and accountable.
  • A supporting group of heart-centered goal-getters, which makes our weekly sessions something you’ll look forward to.
  • A clear start date (Friday, March 27th) and finish line (9 weeks from now), so you stay motivated.
  • Continued access: When life happens and you miss a session, you’ll have the recordings for a year AND access to our Pitch Perfect private group where you can post questions and swap notes with your fellow Pitch Perfect family members.

If you’ve bought courses in the past that you didn’t make the most of, you’re not alone.

But you ARE highly likely to let your past dictate your future and miss out on the next amazing coaching opportunity that comes your way.

You have a choice, right now, to break that streak of unused programs and while you’re at it, become exceptionally good at presenting yourself and getting what you want.

And remember, my film, TV and keynote commitments could prevent me from ever offering this special coaching program again. Please don't miss out. Join now, using the buttons on this page. 

Take it from Pitch Perfect Class of 2019 alum, Shobhit from Massachusetts:


This program is one of the best investments I have made.

I joined Roger's Pitch Perfect program with a pitch I thought was good.

But I was BLOWN AWAY by what happened as a result of the program...

Roger's ability to pinpoint exactly what is wrong with your pitch and help you instantly fix it is unparalleled.

He helped me incorporate various elements of speech to 10X how engaging my pitch is. 

A benefit I did not expect was the change in mindset. Roger helps you think differently about mental blocks that might cause you to undersell your program.  He taught me that I did not need to be ""selling"" so much in the classic sense of the term. I could bring my friendly nature to make the pitch so much more effective.

I can now pitch anytime :)” --Shobhit Chugh from Massachusetts


Experience the difference for YOURSELF. Join Pitch Perfect, now.

Yes! Sell your own personal brand and mission OR invent a product and use this as your permission slip and inspiration to go make it happen. And remember, this is a skill you can learn once and monetize for years and years to come, even if your product or service or idea changes.

No, my Pitch Perfect program is for SPEAKERS. The name is a fun play on the words “pitch” like sales pitch, because that’s what we’re going to master for you, and “pitch” like sound pitch, which is perfect because I’m a voice coach teaching you how to make the right sounds with your voice in order to get what you want. Pitch Perfect. Get it? 

Be sure to enroll now, because I’ve limited the number of seats so that everyone can have my personal attention for their pitch.

Frankly, I don’t know when we’ll open the program again, after this. It depends on how much traveling I’m doing for keynotes and clients and shows. We’ll have to see, after this program ends, if I can do it again.

I do know that, I’d be really sad if you waited and we didn’t open it again and I never got to help you master your Ultimate Pitch.

So, this is your chance to get in, while you still can.

The program begins on March 27, 2020. I will start feedback on the pitches towards the end of the program and you’ll have at least two chances to find a date that works for you.

If you don't love the presentation delivery dates, you can submit your 1-minute pitch to me before your presentation day. I’ll record my feedback so that you STILL get personalized help from me.

YES! You’re protected by my 45-DAY LOVE IT results guarantee.

Here’s what that means: you have HALF the program to make sure Pitch Perfect is working for you. So you can try the training for 45 days, and if you show up, practice, implement and still don’t see results, just show us your work for a full refund. 

So, what you need to understand is, when we hit Day 46, this special group is only for committed people who are serious about creating a personalized pitch they can monetize for years to come. If that’s YOU, I want YOU to get my attention, and that’s why we only let committed students continue past the 45 day mark and beyond.


In fact, there’s $3,285.00 worth of bonuses you can snag, while seats are still available.

The Limited-Edition PITCH PERFECT BONUS BUNDLE, including…

  • Exclusive Virtual Community Portal ($497 value)
  • 4-Step System to Know Your Voice ($297 value)
  • Ultimate Stage Prep Package ($1297 value)
    • “Never Lose Your Voice Again”
    • “The Presentation Planner” Digital PDF
    • "3-Step System to Eliminate Stage Fright"
  • “The Presentation Planner” HARDCOPY ($197 value)
  • Voice of Success Live Tuition Waiver ($997 value)


As a SUPER BONUS for Pitch Perfect, one student will be voted to win a 1-on-1 Vocal Strategy Session with me!

You can come to my studio in Hollywood or meet me on Skype. 

This is a SUPER special gift because I don't offer single private lessons with me anymore.

You have to join to be applicable, so be sure to sign up for Pitch Perfect, now.

My once-a-year signature live event, Voice of Success Live, is happening on May 29-31, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. 

Can't make those dates? That's OK! Simply ask Team Love to move your tuition waiver to Voice of Success Live 2021 or gift it to a friend. 

Want More Answers?

Email [email protected]

Please note: we close enrollment as soon as the class fills up. If enrollment closes before we respond to your email, sadly, we will not be able to re-open or make a new spot for you.

To be safe, please carefully read this page to quickly find answers to your questions.

What People Are Saying About Roger's Techniques

A Personal Invitation from Roger Love

You got here just in time!

If you’re reading this message, it means you still have a chance to experience my brand new, LIVE COACHING experience…

PITCH PERFECT with me, Roger Love.

Pitch Perfect is the only live coaching program where I walk you, step-by-step through my signature process for successful pitching.

I’ll be there coaching you LIVE, week after week, so you’ll always know exactly what to do and what you need to know, to get to the next level.

What I’ll teach you that no one else can is how to COMBINE my written formula for the ULTIMATE PITCH with the VOCAL PROFILE for delivering it. That special combination of sounds and words is what makes all the difference.

You have a choice, right now, to go back to the hard, long road you’ve been running on.

Or, you can take this opportunity, and invest in a skill set that can pay you back for decades to come. And you’ll do it, with total confidence, because you have my 45-Day Love It Guarantee.

Right now, you can say “yes” to FINALLY going after what you want, with CONFIDENCE, because you OWN the Ultimate Elevator Pitch for you.

Say “YES” to getting a “YES” from the person who could change your life, your income, your legacy, and maybe even the world. 

Say “Yes” to Pitch Perfect, and I’ll be there to guide you every step of the way. 

Yes! Make me Pitch Perfect!

A VERY limited opportunity!

In order to ensure that EVERY participant in good standing gets personalized pitch feedback from Roger, enrollment is EXTREMELY limited and could close at any time.

Copyright © 2020 Voiceplace, Inc.. All Rights Reserved
Earnings Disclaimer  |  Privacy Policy  |  Refund Policy

VOICEPLACE cannot and does not guarantee or promise any level of earnings.  Participant’s level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors including Participant’s skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation, to name a few. Because these factors differ among clients, VOICEPLACE cannot and does not guarantee Participant’s success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. Participant alone is responsible for the actions and results in life and Participant’s business. It should be clear to Participant’s that by law VOICEPLACE makes no guarantees that Participant or Participant’s clients will achieve any results from our ideas or models presented by VOICEPLACE, and VOICEPLACE offers no professional legal, medical, psychological or financial advice.


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