Speakers Guild - Discount Just $47/mo + LYVC Unlimited Bonus

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CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY:  You are welcome to cancel your Speakers Guild subscription membership at any time. You will need to cancel at least 1 business day before your renewal date to prevent the next month or year's subscription from being processed and billed. Please be aware, we do not provide any refunds for monthly subscriptions. If you enrolled in an annual subscription and wish to cancel, you may submit your cancellation request before Day 30 and receive a full refund. Upon acceptance of your cancellation or refund request, all bonuses or additional products gifted to you as part of or during your membership will be seized. If a physical product was part of your subscription bundle, you can choose to pay the MSRP of that product in order to keep it or mail it back to us in original condition. To cancel your Speakers Guild membership, please send an email to [email protected]

In your email, please indicate (1) your request to cancel, (2) the specific membership (Eg, Speakers Guild), (3) the full name and email address you used at check out when you originally enrolled.

SMS/Mobile Texting
When you become a customer through our sites, you provide your phone number to us and we may use your phone number to confirm orders, deliver promised ongoing training or communication, and to send text updates, promotions, videos, audios, or messages related to Voiceplace or any of its’ brands or programs. You can opt-out of receiving any future text messages by simply replying to any of our text messages at any time with the word STOP.
By signing up for our products or programs you hereby grant us permission to text you until you reply STOP. We do not ever sell or rent your phone number and we only communicate with you regarding relevant Voiceplace programs.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER:  VOICEPLACE cannot and does not guarantee or promise any level of earnings.  Participant’s level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors including Participant’s skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation, to name a few. Because these factors differ among clients, VOICEPLACE cannot and does not guarantee Participant’s success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. Participant alone is responsible for the actions and results in life and Participant’s business. It should be clear to Participant’s that by law VOICEPLACE makes no guarantees that Participant or Participant’s clients will achieve any results from our ideas or models presented by VOICEPLACE, and VOICEPLACE offers no professional legal, medical, psychological or financial advice.

EXCLUSIVE 1-Time Discount: 

Audio Edition (Downloadable!)

Learn on-the-go & take my Vocal Routines with you as MP3s! *Fully downloadable! *Unlimited access!

Check the box below and you'll get the AUDIO EDITION for only $48—that's discounted from $147.00!

(This very exclusive offer is not available later. Get it now and save $99.00! Over 89% of my most successful students choose this upgrade!)

$147.00 Just $48

Speakers Guild Discounted Membership & LYVC Unlimited Bonus

LIMITED TIME ONLY!  Live virtual group coaching with Roger Love -- Just $47/mo (You SAVE $50.00!)

As a member of Roger Love's Speakers Guild, you’ll…

  • Join America's #1 Voice Coach LIVE every month in a virtual group coaching workshop, where Roger will give you the latest vocal and communication strategies for what you need to know NOW, so you can quickly apply and prosper.
  • Watch exclusive Speakers Guild Training Replays-- Experience the exclusive training when it’s convenient for you. 
  • Ask Roger your questions during our Q&A Session at the end of every workshop.


  1. LOVE YOUR VOICE CHALLENGE--Unlimited Access! ($147.00 Value)
  2. DISCOUNTED MEMBERSHIP FOR LIFE--As long as you continue your Speakers Guild membership, you’ll get to keep this special discounted rate. (Save $50.00 per month) 
  3. SIGNATURE VOCAL WARMUPS--Start your day with the same vocal routine my celebrity clients use to gently expand the range and power of your voice. ($147.00 Value)
  4. EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITY PORTAL--Connect with like-minded, up-and-upcoming speakers in our exclusive Speakers Guild Community Portal. ($297.00 Value) 
  5. REPLAY ARCHIVE—Unlock SIX (6) PREVIOUS MONTHS of Speakers Guild Training Replays, so you can experience the exclusive training when it’s convenient for you. Plus! You can search past workshops to quickly find when I cover the topic you’re most interested in, right now. ($582.00 Value) 


TOTAL VALUE: $1,223.00 

Need help? Email [email protected]