Love Your Voice Unlimited $147

15 Day Satisfaction Guarantee: My hope is that your voice, life, and career are transformed by the new-found confidence and dependability that you’ll get inside my “Love Your Voice” program. However, the Routine can’t work if you don’t learn and practice it. That’s why, in order to be eligible for any refund, you must submit proof that you did the coursework. Just watch every lesson, follow my recommendations, and if you don’t notice a difference, show us your work before Day 15 for a full refund. Please submit your refund request here

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER:  VOICEPLACE cannot and does not guarantee or promise any level of earnings.  Participant’s level of success in attaining results is dependent upon a number of factors including Participant’s skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation, to name a few. Because these factors differ among clients, VOICEPLACE cannot and does not guarantee Participant’s success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. Participant alone is responsible for the actions and results in life and Participant’s business. It should be clear to Participant’s that by law VOICEPLACE makes no guarantees that Participant or Participant’s clients will achieve any results from our ideas or models presented by VOICEPLACE, and VOICEPLACE offers no professional legal, medical, psychological or financial advice.

EXCLUSIVE 1-Time Discount: 

Audio Edition (Downloadable!)

Learn on-the-go & take my Vocal Routines with you as MP3s! *Fully downloadable! *Unlimited access!

Check the box below and you'll get the AUDIO EDITION for only $48—that's discounted from $147.00!

(This very exclusive offer is not available at any other time. Get it now and save $99.00! Over 89% of my most successful students choose this upgrade!)

$147.00 Just $48

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Love Your Voice with Roger Love -- Unlimited Access!

Here's What You're Going to Get Today: 

  • Unlimited online access to exclusive, targeted Vocal Routines for Speakers of every skill level, designed & taught by America's #1 Voice Coach Roger Love
  • Power to retake The Challenge as many times as you want for greater growth, sustained improvement, and refreshment
  • Freedom to go at your own pace without time constraints

Yours Today for just $147

(YES--You're fully protected by Roger's Satisfaction Guarantee!)



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