Is Your Voice Holding You Back?

Uncover the Vocal Sounds That Could Be Stopping People from Hiring, Respecting, and Paying Your More!

Discover the secret 4-Step System that industry leaders depend on to understand your voice and harness it to become the most highly respected, paid, and in-demand expert in your field.

MSRP: $297.00

Checkout Step 1:

Get your “4-Step System to Know Your Voice” Workbook (PDF) today for just $9! ($297.00 value)

Meet The 4-Step System Your Competition Doesn’t Want You To Know About

If you’re looking for a new advantage YOU can deploy long before your competition figures it out…you’ve come to the right place.

Roger Love’s “4-Step System to Know Your Voice” workbook is a powerful procedure that walks you step-by-step through the exact system that America’s #1 Vocal Coach gives his celebrity clients.

In just a few hours from now, you could be through the workbook and clear about...

  • Where your voice falls on the 4 critical vocal spectrums (this matters because you can’t improve if you don’t know where you’re starting from)
  • How you sound now (and what impression that’s making on your listeners)
  • What changes you can make immediately (so you can start aligning your voice with the way you WANT listeners to perceive you and your information, credibility, and products)

Don’t already have a crowd of screaming fans chasing you down the street?

Yes, this can still work for you!

In fact, in addition to Roger’s celebrity clients, over 4,472 not-yet-celebrities have also relied on his "4-Step System to Know Your Voice.”

And now you can, too.



INSTANT ACCESS: You’re going to get instant access to “The 4-Step System to Know Your Voice” Workbook (PDF) so you can start improving right away!

EASY-TO-FOLLOW INTERACTIVE EXERCISES: Enjoy fun, step-by-step worksheets that make learning simple, even if you’ve never had voice coaching before. And even if your kids say you’re tone deaf when you sing “Happy Birthday."

PRINT PRIVILEGES: Print out your workbook for personal use and fill in the engaging, easy-to-use worksheets as hardcopies. You can come back and re-use the workbook over and over, tracking your improvement along the way.

FREEDOM TO DOWNLOAD: Your workbook is fully downloadable as a PDF, so you can take it with you on-the-go.

HUGE LIMITED-TIME DISCOUNT: This system is normally $297.00. But when you buy today, you’ll get the “Know Your Voice” workbook for a one-time payment of just $9.97. That’s a $287.03 savings!

Yes! Give Me The Know Your Voice Workbook, Now!

Meet Your New Voice Coach


About Your Coach

Roger Love is recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on voice. No other vocal coach in history has been more commercially successful in both the speaking and singing fields. Roger has vocally produced more than 100 million unit sales worldwide and written three top-selling books. Roger coaches singers such as Gwen Stefani, John Mayer, and Selena Gomez, as well as speakers like Anthony Robbins, Suze Orman, Brendon Burchard and Simon Sinek, and screen personalities including Reese Witherspoon, Jeff Bridges, Zoe Saldana, Keira Knightly, Angelina Jolie, Bradley Cooper, and Joaquin Phoenix.

If you’re not attracting the quality, type, and number of clients you want…

Pay Close Attention: 

Maybe the problem ISN'T your advice or methods. Maybe it’s not the economy. Maybe it’s not your resume or what you wrote in that email.

Instead, odds are that actually…

It’s your VOICE that’s holding you back.

Here’s where most professionals like yourself get trapped—

You believe that WHO you TRULY are, and what you ACTUALLY intend, is coming through in how you communicate.

So, you assume that as long as you have the best-informed content, mean well, and attach enough qualifications behind your name…people will listen, respect, honor, follow, and hire you.

Sadly, those assumptions are WRONG.

In fact, for most professionals, that’s almost NEVER the case.

If you’ve ever found yourself wondering…

"Why don’t they…

  • Take me more seriously?
  • Hire me?
  • Like me?
  • Promote me?
  • Buy from me?
  • Follow me?
  • Listen to me?
  • Respect me?"

…and on and on.

Especially if you find yourself asking one or more of these questions on a weekly basis, you are likely experiencing a serious case of...


DEFINITION: when the sounds of your voice convey messages contrary to your actual intentions, attributes, or goals.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. And it’s not your fault.

MOST professionals have never learned ANYTHING about how to craft, improve, or masterfully control your voices to achieve our influence and perception goals.

Why? Because practically 99% of traditional communications course and formal schooling don’t teach it.

You’ve heard that, "It’s not what you say. It’s how you say it."

Well, “HOW you say it” has everything to do with the SOUNDS your voice makes while speaking.

Is this truth limited to people in a certain industry, job position, or country?


This truth applies to ALL HUMANITY.


Truthfully, in the wild, an animal’s voice is an immediate signal of their strength, size, mating prowess, and fighting ability. This explains why animals dedicate so much energy to attracting partners and deterring threats.

Because if their VOICE FAILS to make the intended impression…

The consequence is death. The end of their life. The end of their lineage. Maybe even the end of their family or species.

Our human ancestors depended on these same abilities.

And while we may have traded caves for civilization…

It’s still true today that we, as humans, have maintained our keen ability to interpret vocal sounds as defining attributes about the speaker, their information, and more.

By the way, the characteristics your listeners are picking up about YOU are NOT LIMITED to just your IQ or trustworthiness.

Research has found that by listening to ONLY a voice sample, and without ANY photos at all, both men and women can “accurately assess men’s physical strength from the[ir] voice” (Sell, Aaron, et al. June 2010). It’s even true when the voice sample is speaking a foreign language the listener can’t comprehend.

The fundamental fact is--

How you SOUND is who people THINK you ARE.

Every time you speak, along with the words you’re saying, your VOICE is communicating emotional and character-forming messages.

For example, how intelligent, qualified, respectable, likable, attractive, and confident ARE you…?

So, if you’re sick of getting interviewed for prospective opportunities or doing free initial coaching calls…only to come up empty handed…

You should know that, a prospect or decision-maker doesn’t need to read your resume or interrogate your friends, neighbors and preferred Starbucks barista to form a qualified opinion of you and your services/products/viability.

All they need to do is…listen to you speak.

And how long of a voice sample do you think they need to form that nearly unshakable first opinion?

Six hours? Several days?

Shockingly, no.


While researchers debate whether it’s 3 seconds or 23, it’s fair to say that most of the judgements we make about a person are formed in less than their first minute of speaking.

That means, your listeners are unconsciously INTERPRETING and JUDGING you by your voice—loooong before you’ve said anything about your resume, passion, products, or services.

Here’s where our departure from nature set us up for failure…

While our ancestors seem to have passed down an innate ability to HEAR and INTERPRET conclusions about others based on the sounds they make…

The training they FAILED to pass along is:


Speaking and Listening are like a 2-way street. But it seems like only the LISTENING skills made their way to Modern Mankind’s limb on humanity’s figurative family tree.

Except for a privileged few…

About thirty years ago, a handful of rising stars figured out this puzzle and realized voice coaching for SPEAKING was the missing piece.

Since then, vocal coaching for professionals who speak for a living has become a cherished secret of the elite. Their ranks include professionals in nearly every industry—business executives, coaches, lawyers, doctors, subject-matter experts, media personalities, authors, and beyond.


Only a fortunate few have been taught how to CONTROL the SOUNDS your voice creates.

When you can do that, you’ll be able to intentionally influence how others perceive you and your information, every time you speak.

Because so few non-singing professionals know about the power of vocal control, those who DO possess a major advantage.


How long does it take to make vocal improvement—years, decades?

Not at all!

Most of my clients report an improvement in their voices after the very first week of following my recommendations.


As an ambitious professional who speaks in the process of doing your job…

If you want to turn your voice into your greatest asset for influence and success...

Your first mission is to KNOW YOUR VOICE.

Here’s how you can do that, right now.

Get my trusted “4-Step System to Know Your Voice” workbook…delivered right into your hands!

Inside the Workbook, I’m going to guide you step-by-step through the 4 factors of your voice so you can clearly understand how to make them work for YOU—even if you’ve never had voice coaching before. And even if your kids say you’re tone deaf when you sing “Happy Birthday."


Today, you can REFUSE to keep letting your voice hold you back.

Today, you can take the first step towards becoming your industry’s most trusted, respected, and highly-paid voice.

Today, you can get my “4-Step System to Know Your Voice” workbook for just $9!
(That’s a savings of $287.03!)

Discover the secret 4-Step System that industry leaders depend on to understand your voice and harness it to become the most highly respected, paid, and in-demand expert in your field.

MSRP: $297.00

Checkout Step 1:

Get your “4-Step System to Know Your Voice” Workbook (PDF) today for just $9! ($297.00 value)


PLEASE, before you waste any more time running down the common pathways of getting more certifications, more experience, more seat time…

Be ABSOLUTELY sure that YOUR VOICE isn’t the reason you’re not further ahead by now.

In less time than it takes to binge-watch a season of your guilty pleasure Netflix show…

You can go through all 4 steps in my “Know Your Voice” workbook and finally understand if a simple vocal fix is actually all you need right now.

That’s powerful clarity, right?

And think about how much time and money it could save you!

Too many smart professionals, like yourself, make the mistake of hustling longer in the name of “getting more experience,” only to wake up five years later with more time under your belt…

And the realization that the SAME vocal limitations are STILL holding you back.

Please, don’t let that happen to you.

Instead, here’s what you should do.

Invest just $9.97 today and get my “Know Your Voice” workbook, right now.

Try out my techniques and watch for people’s impression of you to improve, like what happened to Michelle from Texas…

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